Some Important rules for Completing Sentence

 1. Too ----------- to

Structure: Sub + verb + too + adj / adv + to + GKwU m½wZc~Y© verb + -----------------

1.The man is too old ------------------                         

Ans: The man is too old to work.     

2.He is too dishonest………………

Ans: He is too dishonest to speak the truth.

2. So ------------ that     

GB †¶‡Î So Gi ci adj /adv _vK‡j Zvi ci that + sub + can not / could not + GKwU m½wZ c~Y© verb +

1.The man was so old ----------------                            

Ans: The man was so old that he could not walk.

2.Many farmers are so poor…………..

Ans: Many farmers are so poor that they can not maintain their family.

3. So that- hv‡ZZEnEEglish pluEsE

Rule: Sub + verb + -------- + so that + 1g Sub + may / might /can / could + ---------

1.The boy reads more so that ---------                        

Ans: The boy reads more so that he can make a good result.

2.We eat food………………..

Ans: We eat food  so that we can get strength.

4. In order that-‡hb / hv‡Z|& G‡¶‡Î& wbqgUv so that &Gi gZB |

1.He came to me yesterday in order that…………..

Ans:He came to me yesterday in order that he could see me.

2. Hasan came to me yesterday in order that……………..

Ans: Hasan came to me yesterday in order that he could see me.

5. Provided / Provided that / Providing that / In case-hw`

1.The plane will take off in time provided………………..

Ans: The plane will take off in time provided the weather is good.

2.He will shine in life provided that……………………..

Ans: He will shine in life provided that he works hard.

6. Unless-hw` bv

1.Unless you read attentively ----------                     

Ans: Unless you read attentively you will fail.

2.He will not shine unless……………….

Ans: He will not shine unless he works hard.

7. Until / Till / As long As / since-hZ¶b ch©š

1.Wait until ------------------------------                      

Ans: Wait until the rain stops.

2.Wait for me until ......................

Ans:Wait for me until I come back.

8. Though / although (hw`I)

1.Though he is poor --------------------

Ans: Though he is poor, he is large hearted.

2.He could not catch the bus although………………

Ans: He could not catch the bus although he ran fast.

9. In spite of, despite (m‡Ë¡I)

1.In spite of his poverty ----------------                      

Ans: In spite of his poverty, he is honest.

2.Despite his good Qualification,……………

Ans: Despite his good Qualification,he did not get a suitable job.

10. In stead of, in lieu of –cwie‡Z©

1.He ate fish in stead of ----------------

Ans: He ate fish in stead of meat.

2.The boy bought pens in lieu of……………….

Ans: The boy bought pens in lieu of pencils.

11. Because of on account of, owing to, due to –Kvi‡b ev R‡b¨

1.Everybody loves him because of his -------   

Ans: Everybody loves him because of his honesty.

2.On account of his illness…………….

Ans: On account of his illness he could not attend the meeting.

12. It is time- mwUK mgq eyS‡Z

Rule: It is time + to +v1+…………….

Or It is time +for+object+to+v1+……………..

1.It is time to ----------------                                          .

Ans: It is time to start the work.

2.It is time for us……….

Ans: It is time for us to attack the enemy.

13. As if / As though- †hb

As if/As though hy³ sentence Gi cÖ_g Ask present indefinite n‡j c‡ii Ask past indefinite nq|Ges cÖ_g Ask past indefinite n‡j c‡ii Ask past perfect n‡e|

1.He tells the matter as if ---------------                      

Ans: He tells the matter as if he knew it.

2.He told the matter as if …………….

Ans: He told the matter as if he had known it.

14. Let alone- wPš—v Kiv hvq bv / fvev hvq bv

1.He cannot swim a kilometer, let alone -----              

 Ans: He cannot swim a kilometer, let alone ten kilometer

2.He can not pass in the third division,let alone …………………..

Ans: He can not pass in the third division,let alone in the first division.

15. Would you mind- _vK‡j Zvici  verb Gi mv‡_ ing Ki‡Z nq Ges A_©c~Y© GKUv obj emv‡Z nq Ges cÖkœ‡evaK wPý emv‡Z nq|

1.Would you mind --------------------                         

Ans: Would you mind taking a cup of tea?


2.Would you mind…………………

Ans: Would you mind opening the door?



16. Without + v,ing- †Kvb wKQz Qvov

Without + v,ing + -------- + Sub + verb + ---------

1.Without reading more --------------                         

Ans: Without reading more you can not pass.

2……………… without writing much.

Ans: You will not be able to write well without writing much.

17. If + present tense + ------ + future tense

1.If he wants, -----------------                                       

Ans: If he wants, I shall help him.

2.If it rains,…………………

Ans: If it rains, we will not go there.

18. If + past tense + ------------ + Sub + past conditional (would, could, might) + ----------

1.If he came ------------------------                

Ans: If he came I would go.

2.If I had a typewriter,………………

Ans: If I had a typewriter ,I would type the letters.

19. If + perfect tense + ----------- + Sub + perfect conditional (would have, could have, might have) + ------

1.If had seen him ------------------

Ans: If had seen him I might have told him the news.

2.If she had tried ,………………………

Ans: If she had tried, she would have succeeded.

20. Had + Sub + verb + past participle + ---------- + Sub + (would have, could have, might have) + past participle

1.Had I seen him --------------

Ans: Had I seen him I would have given him the news.

2. Had he wanted, ……………….

Ans: Had he wanted, they would have helped him.

21. The place………..where

1. Khulna is the place………                                      

Ans:Khulna is the place where I was born.

2. A railway station is the place…………….

Ans: A railway station the place where train stops.

22. The time………..when

1. Sunday is the day………..                                       

Ans:Sunday is the day when I was born.

2. 1971 is the year…………………

Ans: 1971 is the year when Bangladesh became independent.


23. So much-cwigvb eySv‡Z        So many- msL¨v eySv‡Z

Incomplete sentence ‡K completes Ki‡Z n‡j incomplete sentence Gi ci that +cÖ_gsub+verb+……

1. I have no so much time…………                           

Ans:I have not so much time that I can complete the work.


24. Sub+wise………..sub+were……..

1. I wise I ……….                                                           Ans:I wise I were a king.

25. would that+sub+could+v1+……

1. Would that I ……………….                     Ans:Would that I could go to college.        

26. Conjunction wnmv‡e As-‡h‡nZz ev Kvib A‡_© e¨envi nq |wKš‘ ÒgZÓ A_© cÖKvk Ki‡Z regard,treat,acknowledge,condemn BZ¨vw`  verb ¸wji ci as e¨envi nq|

1. Khan jahan Ali was regarded as…………………

Ans: Khan jahan Ali Was regarded as pious.

2. He treats me as …………….

Ans: He treats me as innocent.


27.To be

Feel,suppose, imagine ,report ,discover, know, judge ,assume BZ¨vw` verb Gi ci to be ewm‡q incomplete sentence ‡K complete Ki‡Z n‡e|

1. I know him ……………

Ans: I know him to be honest.

2. The lady is reported to be…………..

Ans: The lady is reported to be a spy.

3. He was judged ………….                          Ans: he was judged to be guilty.

28.In case-hw` |

 In case Gi ci mvavibZ present tense nq| wKš‘ hw` in case Gi Av‡M past tense _vK‡j c‡i&I past tense nq|

1.I will come tomorrow in case………………

Ans: I will come tomorrow in case he wants me.

2. He carried an umbrella in case……………

Ans: He carried an umbrella in case it rained.


By +gerund (v1 ing)…………. +sub +verb+……….

1. By reading more…………….

Ans: By reading more we can learn more

2. By drinking clean water…………………

Ans: By drinking clean water you can keep fit.

30. Relative pronoun ( who,which,that,whom,whose, )etc _vK‡j relative pronoun Gi Av‡Mi antecedent Abyhvqx  relative pronoun  Gi c‡ii verb ewm‡q sentence complete Ki‡Z nq|

1. I saw the man who………………..

Ans: I saw the man who was catching fish.

2. The writer took a cabin which …………

Ans: The writer took a cabin which was small.

31.Would rather………..than/Would sooner …………….than –(Zey&I / eis)

1.I would rather die …………..

Ans: I would rather die than beg.

2.He would rather drink tea………………

Ans: He would rather drink tea than coffee.

32.Had better-(Zey&I fvj / eis fvj )

1.You had better……………..

Ans: You had better leave the place.

2. He had better…………….

Ans: He had better go home

33. No sooner had………..than/scarcely had………………when/hardly had………when.

.†h‡Z--------bv †h‡Z/†L‡Z----------bv †L‡Z/  †cŠQvB‡Z----------bv      †cŠQvB‡Z BZ¨vw` A_©  cÖKvk K‡i|

when /than Gi c~e© ch©š—  past perfect nq|Ges c‡ii Ask past indefinite nq|

1.No sooner had I gone out…………….

Ans: No sooner had I gone out than he came

2.Hardly had he reached the college……………………

Ans:Hardly had he reached the college when the examination began.


Complete the following sentences.

1. Hardly had the leader finished his speech ____.

2. But we are so self-centered ____.

3. She ran fast lest ____.

4. Walk fast lest ____.

5. It is high time ____.

6. If I help him in danger ____.

7. We work hard so that ____.

8. There is nobody who ____.

9. He left the place after ____.

10. As soon as the police came ____.

11. I don’t like people who ____.

12. It was long time since ____.

13. You will not prosper unless ____.

14. Had I been proposed to go ____.

15. You cannot find others to love you unless ____.

16. Your friends cannot help loving you if ____.

17. Walk fast lest ____.

18. Our students are so meritorious ____.

19. If I knew his mobile number ____.

20. It is time we ____.

21. A graveyard is a place where ____.

22. Unless you work hard ____.

23. He has a lot of money but ____.

24. My father gave me taka 500 so that ____.

25. Though it rained yesterday ____.

26. The train had left the station before ____.

27. This poem is too difficult for ____.

28. No sooner had she seen me ____.

29. He speaks as if ____.

30. Five years passed since ____.

31. Unless you work hard ____.

32. He was so ill that ____.

33. No sooner had we reached the hospital ____.

34. Although Bangladesh is a populous country it ____.

35. He is my teacher who ____.

36. I wish I ____.

37. He took up a part-time job so that ____.

38. The poor man is too hungry to ____.

39. I came here with a view to ____.

40. The weather was so cold that ____.

41. Hasib behaves as it ____.

42. Unless he gets up early in the morning ____.

43. Though it is raining, ____.

44. The wind was so strong that ____.

45. Take your umbrella lest ____.

46. Yesterday Mita had an accident while ____.

47. No sooner had we heard the news ____.

48. We took her to a hospital which ____.

49. As it was a public hospital ____.

50. But our patient was so serious that ____.

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